Green Climate Fund

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19 07 2022 | 12:13

EGYPT: MIGA guarantees $98 million to refinance six solar farms in Benban

The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) is guaranteeing $98.3 million for the refinancing of six solar photovoltaic plants owned by Scatec and Africa50 in the Benban complex in Egypt.…

11 05 2022 | 11:00

17th Session of the UN Forum on Forests

The focus of the opening day of the 17th session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF17) was a high-level roundtable on the UNFF response to, role in, and expectations from forest-related…

20 03 2020 | 07:10

Green Climate Fund approves US$26.6 million grant on ‘Building Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Agricultural Livelihoods in Southern Zimbabwe’.

Green Climate Fund approves US$26.6 million grant on ‘Building Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Agricultural Livelihoods in Southern Zimbabwe’

12 03 2020 | 07:32

Funding a fairer energy transition.

The Climate Investment Platform (CIP) launched last September to fast-track renewable energy investments in developing countries.

01 03 2020 | 13:49

Buildings and Construction: A Sleeping Giant for Climate Action.

In the building sector, all trends are pointing upwards, with dramatic consequences for the climate. By 2060, the global building floor area is expected to double. Emerging and developing economies…

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