Ensuring food security and sustainable resource management in Africa

02 04 2023 | 07:34Boris Ngounou / AFRIC21

How can local agroecological practices help reconcile resilience of food systems and sustainable forest management in Africa? This question is the focus of this third eMag, produced by Climate Chance in partnership with AFRIK 21. The panelists are field actors and researchers. They present initiatives, good practices and organizational modes that ensure food security while protecting nature, including forests.


Mélaine Assè Wassa Sama, Climate Action Project Manager in Africa, Climate Chance,

Marie Ange Kalenga, Specialist in natural resources, climate and environmental governance,

Boris Ngounou, Journalist at AFRIK 21,

Wirsiy Emmanuel Binyuy, Team Leader, Cameroon Gender and Environment Watch (CAMGEW)

Mohammed Sanoussi, Director of the Fédération des Unions de Groupements Paysans du Niger (FUGPN),

Chloé Quinonero, Events and Coalitions Officer, Climate Chance,

Eva Radek, Events and Coalitions Coordinator, Climate Chance.

Read the eMag on food security and sustainable resource management in Africa here.