The Status of Climate Change Litigation : A Global Review Why does climate change matter?

15 05 2020 | 06:52

The Climate Emergency we currently face requires adequate and immediate action. It is one of the most pervasive and threatening crises of our time. 

We are facing an existential threat and rapid prioritization of attention and action is necessary. If we continue along our current path, scientists say that the consequences will be devastating, having implications on where we live, how we grow food and other services vital to our well-being. A 2°C increase could mean more heat waves, a ten-fold increase in Arctic ice-free summers and a complete wipe-out of the world's coral reefs, home to millions of species.

Our work on climate action cuts across the fields of science, policy, technology and finance. We empower countries to pursue low-emission development and boost their capacity to adapt and be resilient to climate heating. We are also working to implement the Paris Agreement, the world’s roadmap for tackling climate change. Our contributions include bringing science to policymakers, playing a leading role in transformative global partnerships, and helping dozens of countries develop national plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions.We equip countries to seize new investment opportunities that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. And we support the development of new finance models to accelerate the transition to a green economy.

Attached: The Status of Climate Change Litigation : A Global Review



27 April 2020



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