Άρθρα - Απόψεις

Αποτελέσματα 561 - 580 | από συνολικά 3222
02 06 2021 | 11:32

Mexico City’s surprising crisis: the city is sinking.

When it's geology versus cities, the geology usually wins. The city with a metropolitan population of over 20 million is sinking at a rate of almost 50 centimeters (20 inches) per year — and this…

02 06 2021 | 10:09

Oil companies resisting boom-and-bust cycle as transition accelerates.

“This time is different” may be the most dangerous words in business: billions of dollars have been lost betting that history won’t repeat itself. And yet now, in the oil world, it looks like this…

01 06 2021 | 17:20

China finances most coal plants built today – it’s a climate problem and why US-China talks are essential

As nations gear up for a critical year for climate negotiations, it’s become increasingly clear that success may hinge on one question: How soon will China end its reliance on coal and its financing…

01 06 2021 | 17:07

‘Black Wednesday’ for big oil as courtrooms and boardrooms turn on industry.

Campaigners sense turning point as shareholders, boards and The Hague act to force Chevron, ExxonMobil and Shell to cut pollution. The world’s patience with the fossil fuel industry is wearing thin…

01 06 2021 | 16:39

Biden Backs Massive Alaska Drilling Project Approved Under Trump

The Biden administration is facing backlash from climate activists and scientists after filing a court brief Wednesday in defense of a major Trump-era Alaska drilling project that's expected to…

01 06 2021 | 09:25

Beeswax in Nok pots provides evidence of early West African honey use

The honeybee is the world’s most important pollinator of food crops and beekeeping plays an important global economic role.

31 05 2021 | 08:52

«Πράσινο φως» για τη μεγαλύτερη Μονάδα Επεξεργασίας Αποβλήτων στη χώρα.

Το πράσινο φως για την κατασκευή της μεγαλύτερης Μονάδας Επεξεργασίας Αποβλήτων στη χώρα, στον Δυτικό Τομέα Θεσσαλονίκης, έδωσε η εκτελεστική επιτροπή του Φορέα Διαχείρισης Στερεών Αποβλήτων (ΦΟΔΣΑ)…

31 05 2021 | 08:48

Ρωσική Αρκτική: Τα πρώτα χτυπήματα ενός Πολύ Ψυχρού Πολέμου.

Πουθενά αλλού στη Γη η αλλαγή του κλίματος δεν έχει τόσο έντονες  συνέπειες όσο στις πολικές περιοχές. H υπερθέρμανση του πλανήτη έχει οδηγήσει σε δραστικές μειώσεις των θαλάσσιων πάγων, ανοίγοντας…

31 05 2021 | 08:42

Ενεργειακό νομοσχέδιο: Ανοικτά ακόμη τα θέματα για εγγυητικές επενδυτών και αδειοδότησης κατά προτεραιότητα όσων συνάπτουν συμβόλαια PPA's.

Σκεπτικισμός επικρατεί στην αγορά των ΑΠΕ όσον αφορά το νομοσχέδιο που προωθεί το ΥΠΕΝ για το νέο αδειοδτικό μοντέλο και ειδικότερα σχετικά με δύο πολύ κρίσιμα σκέλη του. 

31 05 2021 | 08:27

Στα 25 GW το offshore αιολικό δυναμικό της Ευρώπης με 116 πάρκα σε 12 χώρες - Η κατανομή ανά χώρα και τα υπό κατασκευή αιολικά "μεγαθήρια"

Τα 25 GW εγκατεστημένης ισχύος με 116 αιολικά πάρκα σε 12 διαφορετικές χώρες φτάνει το υπεράκτιο αιολικό δυναμικό της Ευρώπης σχεδόν σε «real time», καθώς τα διαθέσιμα στοιχεία της WindEurope είναι…

30 05 2021 | 17:30

Bill seeks to make Louisiana ‘fossil fuel sanctuary’ in bid against Biden’s climate plans

Republicans and Democrats are introducing bills to push against Biden’s new restrictions on oil and gas companies

30 05 2021 | 17:24

A renewable energy ‘breakthrough’.

The Biden administration has opened up California’s coast to wind farms. We’re also covering severe drought in the American West and disaster readiness as we head into hurricane and wildfire season…

30 05 2021 | 16:59

IEA: Demand for renewables soar in wake of pandemic.

As consumption of other fuels decline, the International Energy Agency investigates how the uptake of renewable energy will fare as the global economy recovers from the Covid crisis. 2020 witnessed…

30 05 2021 | 16:56

Rethink Global Economy to Halt Mass Extinction, Study Argues.

The problem of biodiversity loss is not simply a matter of funding, a new report examining the failures of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has warned. Instead, policy makers need to…

30 05 2021 | 16:54

Climate activists launch legal challenge against government over North Sea oil and gas support

Three campaigners are taking government to High Court over its support for continued fossil fuel production A trio of climate activists have launched a legal challenge against the government over…

30 05 2021 | 16:48

‘Overwhelming’ Evidence Facebook Is Failing to Tackle Climate Misinformation

Facebook is "fuelling climate misinformation" through its failure to get to grips with misleading content, according to a new report that calls on companies to boycott the platform until significant…

30 05 2021 | 16:44

Who’s Making — and Funding — the World’s Plastic Trash?

ExxonMobil is the world's single largest producer of single-use plastics, according to a new report published today by the Australia-based Minderoo Foundation, one of Asia's biggest philanthropies.

30 05 2021 | 16:43

World to waste one trillion more plastic bottles and bags by 2025 as production ramps up.

20 firms will account for most of the addtional 70 million metric tonnes of polymer churned out in the next four years. The world’s biggest manufacturers of single-use plastic are set to increase…

30 05 2021 | 16:37

Net Zero Producers Forum: A catalyst for climate ambition or yet another delaying tactic?

Oil Change International, Center for International Environmental Law, Climate Action Network Canada, Environmental Defence Canada, the Fossil Fuel No-Proliferation Treaty Initiative, Friends of the…