Four reasons to attend the Global Offshore Wind Summit

08 03 2019 | 09:37

On the 24- 25 April, the offshore wind industry's leaders will gather in Taipei for two days of high-level discussions with government stakeholders at the Global Offshore Wind Summit - Taiwan, the official industry event for offshore wind.

Haven't gotten your ticket yet for this exciting event? Here are four reasons why you should register now and join us in Taipei!

1.Taiwan is the next big offshore wind market 

Over the next ten years, 15GW of new capacity annually is expected to be added to the global offshore market, driven mainly by Asia. Forecasters predict that Taiwan will become the second largest offshore market in Asia, installing 5.5GW offshore wind target by 2025 and about 1GW of new capacity each year going forward. This is event is the perfect opportunity to learn more about this booming market and network with all the top stakeholders to establish yourself as a pioneer of the Taiwan offshore market.

2. The only industry event with high-level government participation in Taiwan

Not only will we have top government stakeholders from the Taiwain government speaking at the event, such as Minister Shen Jong-Chin Shen, Director General Chuan-Neng Lin, and Director General Jang-Hwa Leu, but the Ministry of Economic Affairs is one of the key endorsers of the event. On top of the national government, mayors from the regional governments will also be participating in order to have a complete overview of the political landscape in Taiwan and engage directly with government stakeholders to take the Taiwan offshore market to the next level.

3. Network with the CEO's of the leading offshore wind companies in Taiwan

The top players in the Taiwain offshore market, Orsted, MHI-Vestas, Northland, WPD and Macquarie, will all be sending their company heads to Taipei to participate in the High-Level CEO Forum during the Global Offshore Wind Summit - Taiwan. If you are interested in learning more about the market and opening up business opportunities for your company, there is no better place to be! 

4. Enjoy the best views Taipei has to offer during our Gala Dinner

We will wrap up this exciting conference with our Gala Dinner at the Grand Hyatt Taipei, adjacent from some of the city's most famous landmarks, the Taipei 101 and the Financial Tower. While watching the sun set over the vibrant city of Taipei, you will have the opportunity to discuss with industry leaders and stakeholders what is on the horizon for the Taiwan offshore market.

Make the most of your time in Taiwan - join us on 26 April for Green Financing Taiwan! 

Corporate Renewable Energy Sourcing and community wind are two of the most important trends in the that could boost the wind and other renewable energy market in Taiwan right now. 

This half-day conference, which corresponds with the preceding Global Offshore Wind Summit - Taiwan, is designed to talk about the opportunities and challenges for Corporate Renewable Energy Sourcing and community ownership of wind farms in Taiwan.


For Registration and more details here



7 March 2019



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