Actress Daryl Hannah is passionate about living a sustainable lifestyle / Η Daryl Hannah παθιασμένη με τον πράσινο τρόπο ζωής.

13 02 2019 | 08:49

Actress Daryl Hannah is passionate about living a green, sustainable lifestyle, and never compromises her beliefs — even if that means getting arrested! And that’s exactly what happened last summer, when Hannah was cuffed outside the White House for protesting the Keystone XL pipeline. She has also participated in eco-symposiums to fight dependence on fossil fuels, auctioned off her bio-diesel powered El Camino, and financially supported a film set to expose the fossil fuel industry.

In 2010, Hannah participated in a two-week permaculture course because she thinks it’s a key way to living more sustainably. “Obviously, we are facing a time of great crises; we are in the middle of probably the biggest extinction in recorded history. We are pretty much at peak oil (use) and we have over-population. Permaculture is one of the best tools that I know in terms of understanding our place within that system and still do the things we need to do, like grow food and collect water…(It’s) a more sane way of living in harmony with our environment,” she said.

Moreover, she protested against the construction of a coalmine and building of an oil pipeline and is also involved in Solar Neighbors.


8 February 2019
