Άρθρα - Απόψεις

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24 03 2021 | 08:48

Προσδοκίες για υψηλότερο πλεόνασμα στον ΕΛΑΠΕ λόγω "κούρσας" στις τιμές δικαιωμάτων CO2

Σύμφωνα με το τελευταίο ειδικό δελτίο του ΕΛΑΠΕ που εκδίδει ο ΔΑΠΕΕΠ στα έσοδα του ειδικού λογαριασμού έχει συμπεριληφθεί ποσό ύψους 686,14 εκατ. ευρώ που αποτελεί την εισροή από τον πλειστηριασμό…

24 03 2021 | 08:44

Wood Mackenzie: Για την Κίνα η απανθρακοποίηση είναι συνώνυμη με την ενεργειακή ανεξαρτησία.

Η φαινομενική ανάπτυξη της Κίνας τροφοδοτήθηκε από τους υδρογονάνθρακες και τα μέταλλα. Η χώρα βασίζεται στον άνθρακα, το αέριο και το πετρέλαιο για πάνω από το 80% του ενεργειακού της μείγματος και…

22 03 2021 | 14:40

Don't believe hydrogen and nuclear hype – they can’t get us to net zero carbon by 2050

Big industry players pushing techno-fixes are ignoring the only realistic solution to the climate crisis: renewables

22 03 2021 | 14:05

Now is the Time to Fix The Climate.

For my generation, it’s all part of the fight against racism, poverty and injustice.

22 03 2021 | 10:19

10 years after Fukushima, safety is still nuclear power’s greatest challenge.

Ten years ago, on March 11, 2011, the biggest recorded earthquake in Japanese history hit the country’s northeast coast. It was followed by a tsunami that traveled up to 6 miles (10 kilometers)…

22 03 2021 | 10:11

Bitcoin rise could leave carbon footprint the size of London's.

Research estimates cryptocurrency will consume as much energy as all datacentres globally. The surge in bitcoin’s price since the start of 2021 could result in the cryptocurrency having a carbon…

22 03 2021 | 09:59

Revealed: why hundreds of thousands of tonnes of recycling are going up in smoke.

Investigation questions eco-friendly claims of incineration industry.

22 03 2021 | 09:53

Pearl recycling’s simple but creative approach towards tackling Climate Change in Nigeria.

Despite the scorching heat that afternoon, Sanya sat in a restaurant opposite his house to catch the second half of the Champions League finals. Every second, the room became even hotter as the heat…

22 03 2021 | 09:50

Common Misconceptions About Science I: “Scientific Proof”.

Why there is no such thing as a scientific proof. Misconceptions about the nature and practice of science abound and are sometimes even held by otherwise respectable practicing scientists themselves…

22 03 2021 | 09:29

‘It's radical’: the Ugandan city built on solar, shea butter and people power.

Ojok Okello is transforming his destroyed village into a green town where social enterprises responsibly harness the shea tree Global development is supported by The village of Okere Mom-Kok was…

22 03 2021 | 09:03

Republicans' new favorite study trashes Biden's climate plans – but who's behind it?

Wyoming representative Liz Cheney says the study proves Biden’s policies would destroy state economies. But it has the oil and gas industry’s fingerprints all over it. Wyoming’s US representative,…

22 03 2021 | 09:03

Μεσόγειος και Γεωπολιτική του Green Deal.

Για πάνω από έναν αιώνα, η παγκόσμια Γεωπολιτική της Ενέργειας διαμορφώθηκε από τις ανάγκες πρόσβασης σε πηγές πετρελαίου και  φυσικού αερίου.

22 03 2021 | 08:22

Το καλοκαίρι θα διαρκεί μισό έτος μέχρι το 2100;

Οι καύσωνες αλλά και οι πυρκαγιές θα αυξάνονται, ενώ ο χειμώνας θα συμπιεστεί σε μόλις 31 ημέρες, με αποτέλεσμα το καλοκαίρι να καταλαμβάνει έως και το μισό χρονολογικό έτος μέχρι το 2100. Αυτό…

22 03 2021 | 08:16

Πατέλης σε EURACTIV: Η ΔΕΗ είναι ρεκλάμα για τον μετασχηματισμό της χώρας.

Η Ελλάδα ανοίγει το δρόμο για την εταιρική πράσινη χρηματοδότηση, με τη μεγαλύτερη ενεργειακή εταιρεία της, τη ΔΕΗ, να ξεπερνά τις προσδοκίες με το πρώτο της πράσινο ομόλογο, αναφέρει σε ρεπορτάζ της…

20 03 2021 | 15:06

The planet cannot survive our remorseless pursuit of profit

Oil companies knew 50 years ago the huge damage they were doing. Their motive to ignore it is the same now as it was then Capitalism is on a collision course with human life and the future of our…

18 03 2021 | 10:57

Clean Electricity Needs Different Transmission System.

Historically, vertically integrated utilities, whether publicly or privately owned, invested in transmission lines to connect their large thermal power plants to major load centers.

18 03 2021 | 10:53

Native Energy : Producing biofuels in Kenya

According to Maslow hierarchy of needs, food is part of the very basic needs.  However, preparing the said food in most parts of Africa becomes expensive financially and socially especially in Kenya…

18 03 2021 | 10:48

In Brussels, green still means white.

The EU bubble has a whiteness problem – and the green sector is complicit, write Chloé Mikolajczak and Marianna Tuokkola. Chloé Mikolajczak and Marianna Tuokkola are authors of The Burning Case, a…

18 03 2021 | 10:24

Study reveals the climate footprint of the food sector. And it’s a lot

Our food habits are largely unsustainable. From its production to its consumption, the food we eat is one of the biggest contributors to the climate crisis, a new study has shown. Researchers in…

18 03 2021 | 10:09

A 5,000-mile living wall could hold back the world's largest desert.

The world's largest desert is growing. In the last century, the Sahara Desert expanded by more than 10%, now covering an area of more than 3.3 million square miles (8.6 million square kilometers) and…