renewable energy

Αποτελέσματα 1401 - 1420 | από συνολικά 1646
17 05 2019 | 12:39

India plans 400 MW storage-linked renewable projects.

In order to provide a leg-up to the power storage industry — which is still in a nascent stage in the country — the government is coming up with 400 MW of renewable energy tenders for round-the-clock…

17 05 2019 | 10:56

Governments Look To "Smart Islands" For High Tech And Low Carbon Solutions.

While cities are often seen as centers of innovation, a growing number of islands are quietly leading the way in smart technology. 

16 05 2019 | 15:01

Ernst & Young: Υποχώρησε στην 30η θέση η Ελλάδα στο Δείκτη Ελκυστικότητας για επενδύσεις ΑΠΕ

China and the US have maintained the top two places, respectively, in the EY Renewable Energy Country Attractiveness Index, with France moving up two places into third on the back of developments in…

16 05 2019 | 14:48

Botswana teams up with World Bank on renewable energy.

Botswana has partnered with the World Bank to develop a renewable energy strategy that would allow the country to be more independent on energy supplies. For years, Botswana has been relying on…

15 05 2019 | 12:32

Tidal wave of MPs call for step-change in state support for marine renewables.

91 MPs have signed a letter urging Energy and Clean Growth Minister Claire Perry to introduce new policies to support wave and tidal stream technologies A 'tidal wave' of 91 MPs have signed a letter…

14 05 2019 | 16:03

Grow your own city – vertical forests take off.

Milan’s Il Bosco Verticale (the Vertical Forest) is a high rise building populated by people and trees. It is the first of a new concept of building in cities being pioneered by Stefano Boeri’s…

14 05 2019 | 14:00

Can microgrids really bring power to the last billion?

When Hurricane Maria tore through the tropics in September 2017, it took Puerto Rico’s power system with it. Winds of 170 miles per hour(274 km/h) ripped down poles, transmissions lines, and…

14 05 2019 | 13:58

EU unveils solar tree, contributes 165m euros for renewable energy in Nigeria.

The delegation of the European Union (EU) to Nigeria and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has unveiled a solar tree at the EU Delegation Office Complex Abuja, to highlight the union…

14 05 2019 | 03:50

Could Beer Brewed With Wind Power Help Save the Planet? Budweiser and Enel Green Power have the answer.

During the Super Bowl in February, a commercial showed a Budweiser beer wagon drawn by eight Clydesdale horses rambling down a dreamy country lane past the whirling blades of a wind farm. With Bob…

13 05 2019 | 17:17

Solar,Wind Displace 35 Times As Much CO2 Per Year As Ccs Has Ever Sequestered.

Solar and wind energy displace roughly 35 times as much carbon dioxide each year as carbon capture and storage (CCS) has sequestered in its entire history, DeSmog Blog reports, citing a new analysis …

13 05 2019 | 17:05

Changes at the grid edge boost power supply.

The adoption of renewable energy sources is gaining momentum the world over, and countries in the Middle East and Africa are looking to benefit greatly from their integration into power grids.…

13 05 2019 | 16:58

IEA alarmed as new renewables capacity stalls.

Last year was the first time since 2001 that growth in renewable power capacity failed to increase year on year. Statistics from International Energy Agency (IEA) reveal that new net capacity from…

13 05 2019 | 16:13

Egypt’s drive to lure back investors who left during the Arab Spring.

The country expects the 1.6 gigawatt solar park it is building in the south of the country to be operating at full capacity in 2019. The $2 billion project, set to be the world’s largest solar…

13 05 2019 | 07:49

Clean Conscience: Photovoltaics and wind farms are contributing to grids across the world, with negligible downsides.

Photovoltaic plants and wind farms are contributing to national electrical grids across the world, with negligible downsides. The year 2020 is expected to mark a high point in the use of renewable…

11 05 2019 | 16:54

WindEurope Offshore 2019: Call for abstracts and reviewers.

As you know, WindEurope’s Offshore Co

11 05 2019 | 16:53

Vietnam Wind Power 2019

We’re just over one month away from the second edition of GWEC’s Vietnam Wind Power 2019 which will take place in Hanoi from 11-12 June, in partnership with GIZ and the Danish Embassy Hanoi. Why…

10 05 2019 | 14:07

Making polluters pay for loss and damage.

The recent devastation in Mozambique due to two successive hurricanes (Aida and Kenneth) of unprecedented severity for southern Africa, are a clear indicator that we are now living in a climate…

10 05 2019 | 08:38

Make an impact: Go vote! [video]

If you want a Europe powered by renewables, go vote!

09 05 2019 | 11:06

How a Key Energy Technology Can Help Developing Countries.

The World Bank has a new program for financing the advanced battery storage systems essential for making wind and solar power work.

09 05 2019 | 10:44

Marine Mammal Monitoring Equipment Undergoes Testing.

The Balmoral Subsea Test Centre in Aberdeen, Scotland, has carried out hydrostatic tests on equipment that will be used to monitor the interaction between tidal turbines and marine mammals in the…