6th OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment 2019-SAVE THE DATE.

18 03 2019 | 06:49

The OECD Centre on Green Finance and Investment is pleased to invite you to the 6th OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment, to be held on 29-30 October 2019 at the OECD Headquarters in Paris.

As part of its extensive work on green finance and investment, the OECD has convened the annual Forum since 2014. The Forum, now the annual flagship event of the Centre, gathers senior policy makers, investors and key actors in green finance and investment from around the world for open and action-oriented discussions to advance the global agenda.

The 5th Forum convened key private and public stakeholders on 13-14 November 2018 at the OECD in Paris, to advance the global green finance and investment agenda, and provide a platform for discussion of green finance issues in the lead-up to COP24. The Forum welcomed more than 600 participants from 69 countries and gathered 62 high-level speakers. They notably included Angel Gurría (Secretary-General, OECD), Yasuo Takahashi (Vice-Minister, Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment, Japan), Michael Liebreich (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Liebreich Associates), Nathalie Aufauvre (Director-General, Financial Stability and Operations, Banque de France), Olivier Guersent (Director-General, Directorate-General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG FISMA), European Commission), Henk Ovink (Special Envoy for International Water Affairs, Kingdom of the Netherlands), Mafalda Duarte (Head, Climate Investment Funds), and Rachel Kyte (CEO, SE4ALL). Issues discussed at the Forum comprised: actions across government to align the financial system; the role of banks in aligning financial flows with climate objectives; financial channels for institutional investors and opportunities for sustainability; planning and delivering sustainable infrastructure; and financing green projects in regions and cities. Coverage of the Forum by Responsible Investor.com can be found here.

The agenda for the 6th OECD Forum on Green Finance and Investment is under development. Details and logistics will be communicated in the coming months. In the meantime, we invite you to save the date discover the Centre’s latest publications and insights here.

For any questions:  cgfi@oecd.org




9 March 2019

OECD Centre on Green Finance and Investment